If you happen to be keeping a number of tabs open in Chrome or Firefox on your computer, you may have been through the situation where you were playing sound ...
Google Chrome is perhaps the best web browser around. There may be a plethora of other browsers available, but there is no match to the performance, ...
macOS is a great operating system with plenty of features and options to customize your experience. There are also a ton of hidden tricks and tips that many ...
Adobe Flash Player is blocked due to obsolescence. This is a bug that causes a lot of trouble for users. Read this post for some more information and ...
At any time, you visit a website which using the Safari browser, it always stored the data, in those there are lots of information including time and date of ...
Currently, Youtube allows users to enable Dark Mode on all platforms, including YouTube on the desktop and the YouTube mobile app. Users do not need to install ...
There are plenty of reasons why someone will want to forward multiple emails from a Gmail account to other. First of all, you might want to make a backup of ...
Even though Chrome is one of the most secure browsers, you can never be too careful. There are just too many threats out there, and new ones are detected all ...
Ever since the introduction of first iPhone, smartphones have changed the way of people connect with each other. We can connect with all the people, surf ...
Today's browsers run a lot better than the ones you used a few years back. Even though the browsers you use today have significantly improved, web apps are ...